Growing up in the South most of us ate our share of barbecue so it’s a regular part of our diet. Did you ever wonder where this method of cooking meat came from? Well, I did so I researched it. One theory suggests that when the first Spanish explorers arrived in the new world they noticed that the natives often preserved their meat in the sun; only problem was that the meat easily spoiled and became infested with bugs. So the natives built small fires to create smoke that would keep the bugs away and while doing so put meat on racks over the fire. There are other theories of how the process of “barbecuing” began but today good pit masters use the method described above to render a good crust on the exterior of the meat, and great flavor and tenderness on the inside.
Triple J’s Smokehouse pit masters follow the tradition of preparing our ribs, chicken, brisket, and pork with a flavorful spice rub then placing each piece on racks which rotate continuously over a hot fire – fueled by post oak wood gathered here in Texas. The process takes hours and hours but the results are amazing. Traditionally, Southerners favor pork because in the beginning colonies found that pigs were plentiful and easy to raise. But in Texas cattle have been raised by ranchers for generations and the briskets that come from those cattle have become the favorite Texas barbecue meat.
Whatever you prefer – pork ribs, sausage, brisket, chicken, or even burgers – we’ve got you covered! Triple J’s is your first choice for dine-in or take-out every weekday, for lunch or dinner! Come see us for what many call…”the best barbecue in Houston”!